The Cheryl Spencer Institute for Nursing Research
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Degree | Name of Institution and Department | Period of Study |
BA | University of Haifa Faculty of Social Sciences, Psychology & Statistics | 1979-1982
MA | University of Haifa Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology |
Ph.D | Technion- Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management
Drach‐Zahavy, A., Goldblatt, H., & Maizel, A. (2015). Between standardisation and resilience: nurses’ emergent risk management strategies during handovers. Journal of clinical nursing, 24(3-4), 592-601.
Drach‐Zahavy, A., & Shilman, O. (2015). Patients’ participation during a nursing handover: the role of handover characteristics and patients’ personal traits. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(1), 136-147.
Golfenshtein, N., & Drach‐Zahavy, A. (2015). An attribution theory perspective on emotional labour in nurse–patient encounters: a nested cross‐sectional study in paediatric settings. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(5), 1123-1134.
Drach‐Zahavy, A., & Hadid, N. (2015). Nursing handovers as resilient points of care: linking handover strategies to treatment errors in the patient care in the following shift. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(5), 1135-1145.
Moked, Z., & Drach‐Zahavy, A. (2015). Clinical supervision and nursing students’ professional competence: support‐seeking behaviour and the attachment styles of students and mentors. Journal of advanced nursing, 72(2), 316-327.
Moked, Z., & Drach- Zahavy, A. (2015). Clinical training in nursing: The Relationship between the Nursing Student’s Support – Seeking Behavior
and Supervision Outcomes from the Perspective of Attachment Theory. Gufyeda, 13 (July, 2015), 4-17. [in Hebrew]
Drach-Zahavy, A., & Somech, A. (2016). Goal orientation and safety climate enhancing versus compensatory mechanisms for safety compliance? Group & Organization Management, 41, 560-561.
Drach-Zahavy, A., Buchnick, R., & Granot, M. (2016). Antecedents and consequences of emotional work in midwifery: A prospective field study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 60, 168-178.
Leonenko, M., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2016). “You are either out on the court, or sitting on the bench”: Understanding accountability from the perspectives of nurses and nursing managers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72, 2718-2727.
Drach-Zahavy, A. & Saban, M. (2016). Improving the quality of care of patients with mental illness in the emergency department. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience, 18, 722-742.
Abeldalhi, N., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2016). Work engagement as a mediator in the service climate- patient centered care relationship. Guf Yeda, 14, 7-14. [In Hebrew].
Rashkovitz, S. & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2017). The moderating role of team resources in translating nursing teams’ accountability into learning and performance: A cross sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, 1124-1136.
Drach-Zahavy, A., Yagil, D. & Cohen, I. (2017). Social Model of Emotional Labor and Client Satisfaction: Exploring Inter- and Intrapersonal Characteristics of the Client-Provider Encounter. Work & Stress, 31, 182-208.
Drach-Zahavy, A., Broyer, C., & Dagan, E. (2017). Similarity and accuracy of mental models formed during nursing handovers: A concept mapping approach. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 74, 24-33.
Basharat, S., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2017). Nurses’ Response to Parents’ “Speaking-up” Efforts to Ensure Their Hospitalized Child’s Safety: An Attribution Theory Perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73, 2118-2128.
Goldblatt, H., Freund, A., Drach-Zahavy, A., Enosh, G., Edlis, N., & Peterfreund, I. (2017). Providing healthcare in the shadow of violence: Does emotion regulation vary among hospital workers from different professions? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0886260517700620
Zion, N., Drach-Zahavy, A., & Shochat, T. (2018). Who is sleepier on the nightshift? The influence of bio-psycho-social factors on subjective sleepiness of female nurses during the night shift. Ergonomics, 61, 1004-1014.
Drach – Zahavy, A., Leonenko, M. & Srulovici, E. (2018). Towards a measure of accountability in nursing: A three-stage validation study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, doi: 10.1111/jan.13735. [Epub ahead of print]
Srulovici, E. & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2018). The joint effect between nurses’ ward and personal accountability and missed nursing care: A cross-sectional survey of focal and incoming nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 75, 163-171.
Drach‐Zahavy, A., & Srulovici, E. (2019). The personality profile of the accountable nurse and missed nursing care. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(2), 368-379.
Jones, T., Willis, E., Lopes, M. A., Drach‐Zahavy, A., RANCARE Consortium COST–CA 15208, Evridiki, P., … & Olga, R. (2019). Advancing the Science of Unfinished Nursing Care: Exploring the Benefits of Cross‐Disciplinary Knowledge Exchange, Knowledge Integration and Transdisciplinarity. Journal of advanced nursing, 75, 905-917.
Chudner, I., Goldfracht, M., Goldblatt, H., Drach-Zahavy, A. & Karkabi, K. (2019). Video or In-Clinic Consultation? Selection of Attributes as Preparation for a Discrete Choice Experiment Among Key Stakeholders. The Patient: Patient Centered Care Outcomes Research, 12, 69-82.
Luz, S., Shadmi, E., Admi, H., Peterfreund, I., & Drach‐Zahavy, A. (2019). Characteristics and behaviours of formal versus informal nurse champions and their relationship to innovation success. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(1), 85-95.
Luz, S., Shadmi, E., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2019). Nursing innovation: The joint effects of championship behaviors, project types, and initiation levels. Nursing Outlook, 67, 404-418.
Saban, M., Dagan, E., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2019). The relationship between mindfulness, triage accuracy, and patient satisfaction in the emergency department: A moderation-mediation model. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45, 644-660.
Chudner, I., Goldfracht, M., Goldblatt, H., Drach-Zahavy, A. & Karkabi, K. (2020). Power gaps among stakeholders in Israel’s primary care and the role of PCPs’ relative power in their intention to use video-consultations with patients. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 26, 190-204.
Stefanova, E., Dubljević, O., Herbert, C., Fairfield, B., Schroeter, M. L., Stern, E. R., … & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2020). Anticipatory feelings: Neural correlates and linguistic markers. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 113, 308-324..
Jones, T., Drach‐Zahavy, A., Amorim‐Lopes, M., & Willis, E. (2020). Systems, economics, and neoliberal politics: Theories to understand missed nursing care. Nursing & health sciences, 22, 586-592.
Abdelhadi, N., Drach‐Zahavy, A., & Srulovici, E. (2020). The nurse’s experience of decision‐making processes in missed nursing care: A qualitative study. Journal of advanced nursing, 76, 2161-2170.
Luz, S., Drach‐Zahavy, A., & Shadmi, E. (2021). A personal network approach to the study of nurse champions of innovation and their innovation projects’ spread. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77, 775-786.
Enosh, G., Freund, A., Goldblatt, H., Drach‐Zahavy, A., Guindy, M., & Ofer‐Bialer, G. (2021). Whose fault is it? Attribution of causes of patient violence among exposed and unexposed community‐based family physicians. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29, 175-184.
Saban, M., Drach-Zahavy, A., & Dagan, E. (2021). A novel reflective practice intervention improves quality of care in the emergency department. International Emergency Nursing, 56, 100977.
Saban, M., Dagan, E. & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2021). The effects of a novel mindfulness-based intervention on nurses’ state mindfulness and patient satisfaction in the emergency department. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 47(3), 412-425.
Shefer-Hillel, G., Drach-Zahavy, A., Goldblatt H. & Endelvert, R. (2021) Dietitians’ Change in Practice: A Challenge or a Threat? Topics in Clinical Nutrition, 36, 189-201.
Vechter, T., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2021). Effect of nurses’ resilience on fall prevention in acute-care hospital: a mixed-methods qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Management, 29, 2199-2207.
Jones, T., Drach-Zahavy, A., Sermeus, W., Willis, E. & Zelenikova, R (2021). Understanding Missed Care: Definitions, Measures, Conceptualizations, Evidence, Prevalence, and Challenges. Impacts of Rationing and Missed Nursing Care: Challenges and Solutions, 9-47.
The Cheryl Spencer Institute for Nursing Research
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